Great post.

The statement, "I don't want you to be my sevant anymore. I just want to be yours." is profound in many ways. Sometimes our prayers feel like we are giving the Lord a 'to do' list. In contrast, we need to ask to receive His 'to do' list for us each and every morning. Then do our best to accomplish them and report back that night before retiring to bed.

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Oh what a good one today! I have wanted a few miracles for my husband's health etc. but have never thought to ask for the miracles the Lord wants me to have. Thank you Scott what an eye opener and help in approaching prayer with the right attitude.

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Thanks Jeanne! I hope those miracles come and keep coming!

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This was just exactly what I needed this day, and it was exactly what someone very dear to me also needed today! The Lord's kind timing is always perfect! Thank-you for sharing these beautiful and wise words of comfort and wisdom!

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Oh so glad to hear it was helpful! I hope those you shared it with found comfort in the thoughts I tried to share.

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I often mistakenly think as I wait for for a problem to resolve, that a miracle hasn’t happened yet. When I focus on receiving a “certain miracle”, I miss seeing the many, many miracles occurring on a DAILY basis in my life and in the lives of those I love.

The greatest miracle comes in the healing, cleansing, and enabling power that is available to me, to each one of us, through the atonement of Jesus Christ. Shifting my focus to this, the “mightiest miracle of all” instead of on the “certain miracle” I’m longing for, is what helps me to endure and to trust the Lord and in His timing. The peace I so desperately seek in times of unsettling uncertainty always comes from Him. Only Him. That is a miracle.

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As always, spot-on. I was actually going to begin with the idea that EVERYTHING is a miracle. Our lives, our bodies, this world-all of it. But the mind does wander...grateful always for your ability to re-center my thinking.

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I couldn't agree more - so well said!

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