Scott, truly inspiring words. I've been meaning to read your posts, but maybe I am not slowing down enough. That's why your post "Slow Down, Be Still" caught my attention and I paused to read it first. Loved every word and what caused me to stop were your profound words " letting go of my obsession with productivity" as if you were talking to me. As I get older, there is wisdom that our bodies slow down that we may have a chance to be better in tune with our Creator and His Eternal Plan. Scott, thank you for sharing these thoughts and words.

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My friend Alvaro! Finding and keeping quiet places is hard work. And it’s even harder to keep the quiet inside our selves isn’t it? I still struggle with this and have to work at it all the time. ❤️ you brother.

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Thank you brother.

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BTW, Scott, did Kierkegaard's quote really include the phrase "twenty-first century"?

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Thank you SO MUCH for asking. I wrote this long enough ago that I couldn't even find WHERE I had found it nor could I validate the source. Therefore...I found a better (and better-sourced) one! I've updated the post to reflect this. I'll do a better job of double-checking those sources and quotes going forward. Thanks Daniel!

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I relate to this moment very strongly. I've had one like it -- but not for describing here.

Thank you for sharing!

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My friend - how delighted I was to see your comment. These are very personal moments, to be sure. I hope my sharing wasn't out of bounds. All my love to you and L.

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