A place for seeking and sharing
I’m so glad you’re here, dear fellow seeker.
I am a believing member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I share this first because it is important for any who may choose to subscribe to The Bright & Morning Star to know where I sit in the vast constellation of Christianity. I hope my church membership won’t preclude any brother or sister from reading and responding with insights from their own journey, so that, in Paul’s words, “we all come in the unity of the faith” (Ephesians 4:13).
I am married to the lively and lovely Ginger. One of the exclusive bonuses of this newsletter will be my sharing of some of Ginger’s stunning photography, which reflects her love for God and His creations. We have four children (two made in the USA, and two made in China) and two delightful granddaughters.
Professionally, I’m head of marketing for a small software company. In my few slivers of free time I love to hike the many trails close by here in Utah, run just fast enough to not fall down, and read more books than I have time left to read them in.
As for how I’ve come to write this newsletter? Here’s a representative internal dialogue repeated countless times over the past year that suggests I’m not at all sure what I’m doing:
Me: So, you’re going to start writing a newsletter about your struggle to become more like the Savior. Really?
Also Me: Well if you’re going to put it that way, no. Who would be ignorant enough to share that?
Me: You, apparently.
Also Me: I can’t get the idea out of my mind. That usually means it’s something I’m supposed to do, even if I don’t think it’s something I can do.
Me: Maybe it would help people?
Also Me: That’s the idea, but won’t readers think I’m flexing and question my motive for doing it?
Me: You don’t have to decide what others will think or feel about it. What do YOU think?
Also Me: I think I’m scared and so weak and see so many ways I’m not where I need and want to be. I’m just holding onto the idea that maybe there’s someone out there I don’t even know that be helped by this. I know and love lots of hurting people. So, maybe…?
The simple answer? I feel I have something to share, and hope you are also willing to share field notes from your own walk with Him.
(I should probably mention that I also wrote a little book a few years ago about how to get help from Jesus in those moments when someone has hurt or offended us. It’s titled Beauty for Ashes, and surprisingly, people are still buying copies of it.)