(Reader Alert! The most important part is at the very end. Hint: It’s a link. Just didn’t want you to miss the best part in case you don’t have time to read anything else.)
There’s a little phrase that Jacob uses in the Book of Mormon that I have come to appreciate more over the years. As he attempts to help his readers understand how it is possible that the Jewish people can ever be restored after rejecting their long-hoped-for Messiah, he shares the following:
“Behold, my beloved brethren, I will unfold this mystery unto you; if I do not, by any means, get shaken from my firmness in the Spirit, and stumble because of my over anxiety for you.”
The phrase I’m referring to is “and stumble because of my over anxiety for you.” On a few significant occasions I’ve felt a strong desire to share something I believe is vitally important while worrying that my inadequacies as a writer, speaker, or teacher will cancel out or dilute the value of what I’m trying to share.
Today is one of those moments.
For the past little while I’ve been engaged in an in-depth study about the gift of the Holy Ghost. The more I learn, the more I discover I have yet to learn. I’m also realizing there are enormous risks in taking this gift for granted or disqualifying ourselves from his “constant companionship.”
Or as President Russell M. Nelson prophesied in April 2018, “In coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost.”
By the way, this prophecy has been quoted during general conference over a dozen times since President Nelson shared it six years ago, and literally countless times in other church meetings. As I was recently reminded, it was actually shared as part of a powerful prophecy given during President Nelson’s first conference message to the entire church:
“Our Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ, will perform some of His mightiest works between now and when He comes again. We will see miraculous indications that God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, preside over this Church in majesty and glory. But in coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost.”
All of this to say that we’ve been given a most remarkable gift - worth any price we could pay to receive and retain it - the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Now comes the part where I am particularly anxious to share what will be helpful.
There are so many wonderful blessings that come to those who are baptized, confirmed members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, including the “unspeakable gift of the Holy Ghost” (D&C 121:26.) It is also true (and important to note) that anyone seeking to draw closer to God has access to the power of the Holy Ghost. I know many good men and women who are not members of my faith but who absolutely have the influence of God’s Spirit and presence in their lives. They love Him and He loves them.
This all being true, only those who have been baptized and confirmed as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have the promise of the gift of the Holy Ghost, which simply means that if they keep their covenants, they can invite God’s Spirit to always to be with them.
Think for just a moment what that means. We’re being promised that a member of the Godhead, a Being of incomprehensible power, glory, knowledge, and influence can be with us constantly.
Every day. Every moment.
He can help us with every important decision. He can comfort and console us. He can provide peace when what is happening around us is anything but peaceful. He can replace fear with faith, darkness with light, and sorrow with joy.
Most importantly, the Holy Ghost bears witness of the Father and the Son. Not only does this mean he is the source of our testimonies of all truth, but also that through the Spirit, we can come to know who God and Jesus Christ really are, how They live, how They feel about each of us, and how we can return to live with Them again.
If I could only have your attention for a moment, and could only say one thing that would make a difference in your life, here’s what I would share:
Seek the Spirit. Do whatever it takes to invite Him to be in your life, to influence your choices, to bring consolation in your hard times. Plead for his companionship each day. And pray for the Holy Ghost to testify to you personally about God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ so you can know Them, love Them, and understand what They want for you.
In my study, I was reminded of the remarkable vision that Brigham Young received while in Winter Quarters in preparation for their migration to the West more than two years after the Prophet Joseph Smith had been martyred in Carthage Jail along with his older brother Hyrum. Brigham had many questions about how to lead the Saints. There were so many things that could go wrong.
Notice how many times Joseph mentions the Holy Ghost, the Spirit, or the “still small voice.”
“Joseph stepped toward me, and looking very earnestly, yet pleasantly said, ‘Tell the people to be humble and faithful, and be sure to keep the spirit of the Lord and it will lead them right. Be careful and not turn away the small still voice; it will teach you what to do and where to go; it will yield the fruits of the kingdom. Tell the brethren to keep their hearts open to conviction, so that when the Holy Ghost comes to them, their hearts will be ready to receive it. They can tell the Spirit of the Lord from all other spirits; it will whisper peace and joy to their souls; it will take malice, hatred, strife and all evil from their hearts; and their whole desire will be to do good, bring forth righteousness and build up the kingdom of God. Tell the brethren if they will follow the spirit of the Lord they will go right. Be sure to tell the people to keep the Spirit of the Lord; and if they will, they will find themselves just as they were organized by our Father in Heaven before they came into the world. Our Father in Heaven organized the human family. . . .”
Joseph again said, “Tell the people to be sure to keep the Spirit of the Lord and follow it, and it will lead them just right.”
I’ve been thinking of how significant it was that of all the messages that Joseph could have shared with Brigham, he emphasized only one: “Be sure to keep the Spirit of the Lord and follow it.” That feels really important.
The last thing I want to share is what I’m learning about a question many of us, myself included, have asked at one time or another about the Holy Ghost.
Is it me or is it the Spirit?
This is a question we all have asked in our lives, and for good reason. When making important decisions, we want to be sure we’re doing what we’re supposed to do.
In an All In podcast interview several years ago, Brother Robert L. Millett shared the following experience he once had while attending a leadership training meeting.
“Years ago, I went to a priesthood leadership meeting and the visiting authorities were Elder Boyd K. Packer, Elder Russell M Nelson and Elder John Groberg of the Seventy. Great three or four hours, magnificent teaching. In a Q&A time, one of the local bishops said, "I have a question for Elder Packer. Elder Packer, how do I come to know the difference between my thoughts and God's thoughts? And Brother Packer gave an answer that at first shocked me a little bit. Elder Packer said, "That is so easy." And the bishop said "Easy? How is it easy?"
Brother Packer said, ‘It's simple. You practice.’ And at that point, I have to be honest and say I thought, ‘That's a cop out.’ But the more I thought about it, the more I looked at my own life, I thought acquiring the Spirit, understanding and grasping the messages the Spirit's trying to convey to you. It does take practice. It takes working in such a way that you begin to recognize eventually a voice like you would recognize any other voice.”
I admit I had a similar response to Brother Millett’s when I heard this for the first time. But the more I’ve thought about it, the more I’ve come to believe that Elder Packer was teaching a powerful principle if we have ears to hear. If we live the way we should, we are promised that the Holy Ghost will be our “constant companion.” The key is acting in faith on the promptings we receive.
As a second witness, here is a story that Stephen R. Covey shared many years ago in a powerful message he gave at BYU. His talk was entitled An Educated Conscience.
I spoke at a devotional a couple of years ago at Ricks College, and a girl came up afterwards and said, “Brother Covey, what is the difference between a heartburn and a burning in the heart?” She was really asking, “How do I really know how God answers prayers? How do I know it’s not just me projecting my own wish and want onto God, feeling good about it, and calling it his answer?” That’s what she was asking, and I believe many of us have asked that question of ourselves.
I said to her, “When we had this little listening exercise, sister, did you feel or sense anything?”
“Oh, yes,” she said, “I know so many things I need to do to be a better person.”
“Then, sister, I suggest that you forget that question. Just do those things. If you do, you’ll become acquainted with the voice, and that will be the answer to your question. You didn’t like that answer, did you, sister?”
“Why not?”
She said, “I have no excuse anymore.”
A year later I spoke at another Ricks devotional on another subject. She came up afterwards and said, “Brother Covey, do you remember me?”
“I can’t quite place you.”
“I was the one that asked you about the heartburn.”
“Oh yes, whatever happened to you?”
She said, “I did those things. I took it seriously. I know very clearly the difference now between the true voice and the many other voices within and without.”
I said, “For instance, what did you do?”
“I really began to study the scriptures in a serious way. My prayers were most earnest and sincere and deep. I made reconciliation with certain individuals who I had thought I could just forget because I didn’t like them. I was more cooperative at home, more helpful. I stopped procrastinating as a student, practicing self-management by crisis. I used to put off studying all the time, but I became more conscientious. I realized this was a stewardship. I started doing genealogy work. I was more pleasant with my brothers and sisters. I didn’t speak back to my parents. I just became a less defensive person.”
On a Know-Your-Religion circuit in California this last year, this same girl came up to me and said, “Would you be interested in the third installment?”
I said, “I would.”
“I can’t believe the difference in my life once I started to realize that the Holy Ghost is my own guide if I will listen to him. I can receive personal guidance and revelation, and as long as I am true to it all things will work together for my good.” She bore her testimony. There was no confusion in her mind anymore.
This is so instructive, isn’t it?
And now for the best part. Studying this topic has led me to many exceptional resources, several of which I have read, watched, or listened to more than once. I’m delighted to share those with you and encourage you to add your favorites to the list.
Resources: The Holy Ghost & Personal Revelation
Last and most importantly, as we begin Holy Week leading up to Easter Sunday, I express my gratitude for the Holy Ghost’s witness to me of the reality of Jesus Christ’s mission and ministry. I know for myself, through the sacred impressions of the Spirit, that Jesus is my Savior. I know that He gave His life for me and is able to help me find joy in this life and through His infinite mercy and grace, eternal life with Him and those I love.
Wonderful teachings here. I’m working through your list of articles. Very powerful instruction. Thank you.
I love your multi-faceted insights on the Holy Ghost, which offer both simple and ever-deeper truths, and inspire me to truly strengthen my discipleship. Thank you, brother!